Free Consultation
The London Education Centre is the official representative of prestigious educational institutions throughout the UK. This is why we are offer free consultation for anyone looking to study in the United Kingdom.
The first step for every student is to discuss the possibilities with an expert, so we invite you to get in touch with our friendly advisory team. They will be able to establish what you want and provide the most up-to-date advice about studying in Great Britain. The internet can be helpful in finding information, but nothing beats talking through your exact needs with someone who understands the issues, so contact us now to dis-cuss any aspect of study and enrolment in British schools, colleges and universities.
Call us on +44 (0) 20 799 355 86
You can even visit our office, order a callback or use our feedback form.
If your dream is to study in the United Kingdom, we can make it happen. No fuss, no hassle, no charge!